Llanfoist Fawr Community Council
Llanfoist Fawr Community Council

Declarations of Interest

Members are required to declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests in respect of items of business included on the agenda at each Council meeting.

A summary register of declarations of interest is maintained. The registers for the past seven years ended March 2023 can be accessed below:

Register of Interest 2023-24 Summary.doc[...]
Microsoft Word document [37.0 KB]
Register of Interest 2022-23 Summary.doc[...]
Microsoft Word document [35.3 KB]
Register of Interest 2021-22 Summary.doc[...]
Microsoft Word document [34.9 KB]
Summary Register of Interests 2020-21
Register of Interest 2020-21 Summary.doc[...]
Microsoft Word document [34.7 KB]
Summary Register of Interests 2019-20
Register of Interest 2019-20 Summary.doc[...]
Microsoft Word document [35.3 KB]
Summary Register of Interests 2018-19
Register of Interest 2018-19 Summary.doc[...]
Microsoft Word document [35.5 KB]
Summary Register of Interests 2017-18
Register of Interest 2017-18 Summary.doc[...]
Microsoft Word document [35.9 KB]
Summary Register of Interests 2016-17
Register of Interest 2016-17 Summary.doc[...]
Microsoft Word document [34.4 KB]

Contact Address

Llanfoist Fawr Community Council

c/o 19, Derwen Deg Close,






Email: clerk@llanfoistfawrcc.co.uk




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© Llanfoist Fawr Community Council