Llanfoist Fawr Community Council
Llanfoist Fawr Community Council


Llanfoist Fawr Community Council accepts grant applications for small grants - up to £1,000 - for consideration at the September Full Council meeting. If you are part of an organisation that would like to apply for a grant, please take a look at the Grant Policy below to confirm eligibility and then fill out the application form below or contact the Clerk of the Council. Applications are to be received no later than the 1st September.

For requests for larger grants - over £1,000 - applications are considered at the Full Council Meeting in January. Applications are to be received no later than the 1st January.


If you have any queries regarding obtaining a grant from the Llanfoist Fawr Community Council please contact the Clerk of the Council.

LFCC Grant Application and Policy.doc
Microsoft Word document [38.0 KB]

Llanfoist Fawr Community Council awards grants, at its discretion, to community organisations which can demonstrate a clear need for financial support to benefit citizens of the wards in the Llanfoist Fawr Community Council by:

  • Providing a service

  • Enhancing the quality of life

  • Improving the environment

  • Promoting Llanfoist Fawr Community Council area in a positive way



    1.         The organisation must be non-profit making or charitable. Grants will not be made to individuals and would not normally exceed 50% of the cost of the project or activity (can include volunteer hours).

    2.         Grants will not be made retrospectively and only one application for a grant will be considered from each organisation in any one financial year.

    3.         The Community Council must be informed of requests for grants less than £1,000 by the 31st August and more than £1,000 by the 31st December. The maximum grant available is up to £2,500.

    4.         All grants must be used within one year from the award being made.

    5.         All grants are awarded on a one-off basis – if required for subsequent years a new application must be made each year.

    6.         A grant may only be used for the purpose set out in the application and it cannot be given or transferred to any other group.

    7.         Any monies not used, in part or full, for the agreed purpose must be immediately returned to the Community Council.

    8.       At the Council’s discretion, for large grants, (over £1,000) groups may be subject to a visit by the Clerk and / or Councillors to see how the grant has been administered.

    9.         The Council will require full written details of how the money has been spent within 1 year of the award being made.

    10.       The Community Council will not offer financial assistance to any political party.

    11.       Grants will not be awarded to bodies that unitary or national government has a legal obligation to fund.

12.    All grants are awarded at the discretion of the Community Council.

13.    Recognition of the grant from the Llanfoist Fawr Community Council must be made in any publicity and in the group’s accounts. The Council may use the name of your group and it’s project in publicity material.

Contact Address

Llanfoist Fawr Community Council

c/o 19, Derwen Deg Close,






Email: clerk@llanfoistfawrcc.co.uk




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